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Apply for the BLOOM Network

For Black women on Chicago's South and West Sides ready to heal themselves and their communities 

Welcome to Free Root Operation

We serve Black single mothers and women, often erased from gun violence advocacy, as a public safety infrastructure. 

Free Root Operation addresses the root causes of gun violence through a method of critical care encompassing expansive, wraparound wellness and economic development services. These services are foundational pillars of our programs, cultural activations, and violence prevention initiatives which are substantiated by research centering community wisdom. We take an innovative approach that serves as the nexus between championing Black women and their families and preventative measures of poverty-induced gun violence* that demands integration into culture. Our operation is to restore communities impacted by poverty-induced gun violence to safe, abundant, and liberated sites of Oasis.


*A term coined by our Executive Director, Eva Maria Lewis, to differentiate the epidemic faced by Black people and other communities of color from the gun violence epidemic most discussed on the national agenda.  

Get the Healing You Deserve

Apply for our BLOOM Network for exclusive access to free wellness events and future BLOOM Cohorts in Chicago. You deserve an empowered space to BLOOM, and a community of Black sisters to BLOOM with!


The BLOOM Cohort

Black single mothers and women are not burdens. They are a well of untapped power, a site of social possibility. Our 6-month wellness cohort pours into them so they're able to show up for others without leaving themselves behind. 

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4 Million

Did you know?

In 2021, there were 4.27 million families in the U.S. led by a Black single mother. It's about time we give them the care they deserve.

This information was published by Erin Duffin on Statista on October 5th, 2022

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